Thursday, February 09, 2006

Run away! Run away!

hey man, what's up? I'm sorry Ihaven't been Posty Posterson lately. I have been busy at work, and it's hard for me to post during the day. At night, I have not yet set up my office. The office is not anywhere close to unpacked. In fact, it's become "just put it in the office".

Things are decent at work. I got a start. It's not as good as getting someone in a perm placement, but it doesn't suck.

I am still a little nervous about the sale of the studio, but I am teaching an extra class a week now. Well, every other week. I am rotating the new class with another teacher. So, every other Wednesday.

I went to sushi today. It was good. I love spider rolls. And then, I came back to my office, and then i went to Corner Baker and got a lemonade and an oatmeal raisin cookie. Yeah, I may be hormonal or something. But the fact is, oatmeal raisin cookies are DELICIOUS!

I am going to put my own resume in order. I want to have something to show my candidates when I'm coaching them with their resume.

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