Had another little freakout when Uly decided to hide in the coat closet. I know that kitties is sneaky, but he is a master hider. I keed, I keed. Because most times, he'll hide like this:
And I'm like "where's my kitty man?" And his little tail will whip around. Hee!
But today, he wasn't under the stairs to nowhere. He wasn't in the closet with my shoes. He wasn't on top of the picture box in the coat closet. He wasn't on the bookshelf or under the television. He was nowhere he normally is. I grabbed his treats (he likes salmon flavored Greenies, if you're wondering), and started shaking the bag and making the sucking teeth noise that he can't resist. And out he came. He was tucked away behind the Spike puppet that Lucy hates so much. Excellent hiding job, little man. Please don't do that again.
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