Monday, August 03, 2009

I was going to tell you about a fantastically trashy event at my restaurant on Friday night, but I don't know if I'm allowed. Suffice it to say that police were involved. Jesus.

It's Shark Week on Discovery Channel. I love Shark Week. I should've taken my South African friend up on his offer to visit Stellenbosch, where he grew up. Because, A) wine tour and 2) cage diving with Great Whites! Oh well. Maybe someday. Also, it's like a 20 hour flight to get to that part of the world. I can't handle a 20 hour flight. Also, 1 in 3 shark attacks are fatal, and I have a zero percent chance of being attacked by a shark if I don't get in the ocean.

I switched up banks. I was not at all pleased with Chase and the switchover from WAMU to Chase. I went with BBVACompass Bank. I liked their services, like that they're ranked #14 overall in banks as far as security and smart investments worldwide, agreed with their fees, but mostly I like that they'll let me put Lucy's picture on my check card.

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